
The 26-year-old tennis player is known to have won three Challengers in his career, one a year from 2021. In 2023, the Pyrenean became the winner of the tournament in Monterrey, Mexico, which took place just a week ago. These. Nuno is now on a 6-fight winning streak. At the same time, Nuno did not defeat really strong opponents during this period, and the 85th place in the ranking speaks of the real strength of this performer. In the first round of the tournament in Acapulco, Borges defeated American Chappel, the 432nd ATP number. Despite the big difference in the rankings, Borges narrowly beat Nick, the match lasted one hour and 48 minutes, 6-3, 7-6 in favor of the Portuguese.

The last season of Rune ended with the victory of the Dane in the Masters in Paris, which, as we remember, was held firmly in the hall. The successes of young talents could be expected at the European indoor events at the beginning of this season, but it turned out a little differently. In Montpellier, Holger defeated Husler and Barrera, losing to Cressy, in Rotterdam, Rune defeated Lestienne, but lost to Brouwer, and did not appear in Marseille at all. The Scandinavian started the tournament in Acapulco with a victory over the American Shelton, the world’s 41st racket. The first set turned out to be a drag, Shelton won it in a tie-break 9: 7. You could see that Rune was looking for a game, he was trying to get used to rebounding and he got used to it, because he won the next two sets with Ben with a score of 6:4, 6:2.

Tennis player Rating Total number of matches in 2023 wins failures
Nuno Borges 85 12 9 3
Holger Rune 10 13 9 4

Borges has a certain advantage in terms of match practice regarding Rune. Despite this, the Portuguese played in Mexico, admittedly not at the highest level, but six matches in the last week, while the Dane had only one fight in Nowy Świat. But something tells me that even one duel was enough for Holger to find his game and that’s the verdict for Nuno, who in the player class is noticeably inferior to Runa. Now, if Borges had played the Dane in the first round of the tournament in Acapulco, it is quite possible that the Portuguese would have won the match, but now it is unlikely. Also, it is unlikely that the Pyrenean will be able to pick up at least one set from a northerner.

The main prediction is an exact score of 0:2 for 1.70