
In recent matches, Barys has finally started to wake up. The representatives of Kazakhstan began to fight stably against at least all rivals. We managed to get only two points in the away series, but we are pleased with the positive dynamics. With Dynamo we were very close to extra time and then we completely beat CSKA. The representatives of Moscow themselves are to blame for this result, but the Kazakhs themselves should not be written off. Perfect execution, great first link game. In this case, all washers in equal compositions were abandoned. At home, Barys in the last series did not disappoint especially in attack, so today we can expect a good attacking game from the team.


SKA has been experiencing a very serious decline in recent matches. The team has only won two of the last seven matches. At the same time, the Rotenberg team has problems with the squad. Shvets-Rogovoy, Prokhorkin, Komarov, Zykov, Moiseev. Even with such defeats, SKA tries to play openly. However, this has a very negative effect on the results. The last trip to Omsk ended in another failure. And yet they moved the opponent, they had a much better chance. But they backed out at the most inopportune moment near the end of the game, and they paid the price. And the game in the minority has clearly deteriorated compared to the beginning of the season.


In the match of the first round, Baryś lost away and managed to score only once. But in recent meetings, the team has finally begun to show an understandable game. A very impressive number of moments went forward, the first link is simply charming. A large number of injuries negatively affects the performance of the team from St. Petersburg. They are trying to come out to attack, but they still lack a lot of attacks on their own goal, and the goalkeepers do not help in difficult situations. Surprisingly, Barys played great against this opponent last season, I think that in a difficult period for SKA, the Kazakhs will be able to join and at least please their native fans.
